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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and we do our best to protect your personal information. This
Privacy Policy explains how your personal information is collected and used on this Site. By
visiting this site directly or through another site you agree to the rules set forth in this Policy.
In order to provide you with outstanding service, we may collect such information as your
product and service preference, shipping and billing information, e-mail address and phone
number. This information will never be disclosed to other businesses or organizations and will
only be used by Bulk Vending Business for the purposes of providing you with your requested

It is important to us to know how you would like us to communicate with you. In our
communication we will include new product announcements, new product offers, special
promotions and discount coupons. Your information will never be disclosed to third parties for
marketing purposes.

We use Square, Paypal, and other merchanting services to process payments. We do not collect or store your payment information.

If you have questions about any of our policies, please, contact us at Customer Service at

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